From the new Google algorithm change, called Google Caffeine , we detected as few sites before we could believe that not so relevant, have begun to improve their position very positive.
This is because Google is now valued well above all, usability and richness and structure of the text. Google has stopped giving face value positioning to Page Rank, although many SEO unwilling to accept it, is already a reality that Page Rank does not have virtually nothing to improve your position.
Gentlemen, let us focus on the text, how it is presented to the user, how we make our website accessible, to write original text, without copies because it is the way to gain relevance with Google.
A little web accessible but with a Page Rank of 3 or 4 does not have to be at the top of Google, there are many more and now it is time that we who have believed in the logic of Google we reinforced.
Another of the best views and operation and the penalty was Google caffeine does to those web pages that take too long to load, ie those that are in your source code calls to CSS javascripts unnecessary or useless.
So now more than ever to spend all of the W3C HTML validator and monitor long load times of your projects.